Charity Work

Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy is proud to support the following charities:

CAFOD is the Charity for Saint John Houghton CVA


CAFOD is an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.  I feel we really do stand beside people living in poverty, whatever their religion or culture.  During Acts of Worship and in our SJH Fair Trade and Justice and Peace Groups we hear about CAFOD’s work, in Year 7 we have a whole CAFOD day which is run by the SJH Justice and Peace Group and we spend time at Briars listening to the CAFOD Gappers and have activities to help us understand all our choices have consequences.  During our Faith in Action time we learn about Our Common Home, we watch videos and read parts of Laudato Si by Pope Francis.  Because we know everything in our world is connected, and we can see children and families living in poverty, without enough food, poor housing, lack of medication and education. We know our Gospel values:  Courage, creativity, thankfulness, responsibility, compassion, peace, service, justice, trust, hope, love, forgiveness, friendship, humility, generosity, reverence and respect, we have to put our  faith into action and be the change we want to see in the world.

Saint John Houghton CVA support CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development)

Saint John Houghton CVA, as a whole school community, support CAFOD Family Fast Day in October and during Lent.

Saint John Houghton CVA have a CAFOD Club, we are a Fairtrade Staffroom. We pray for CAFOD and live simply so others can simply live.

Saint John Houghton CVA Chaplaincy Department are proud to support Mary’s Meals Charity

Mary’s Meals provide one good meal to some of the world’s poorest children every school day.

Here at Saint John Houghton we are so proud of Kolbe House who lead us in this simple, effective and hope filled charity.

Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy is the leading school in Derbyshire supporting Mary’s Meals with staff having the privilege to hold The Lead Volunteer Post.

Our work is named after Mary, the mother of Jesus, who brought up her own child in poverty. Mary’s Meals consists of, respects, and reaches out to people of all faiths and none.

SJHCVA is helping to support 1,667,067 children every school day. We believe every child deserves an education and enough to eat.

Our Headteacher, Mr Brogan, challenged every tutor group to feed a child for a year.  It costs £15.90 to feed a child for a year through Mary’s Meals.

It is important to us that hungry children are fed and we admire and support the work of Mary’s Meals for working on a long-term solution to getting children fed and at the same time work on a long-term solution.

Working with the Mary’s Meals Team is amazing and inspiring. Do not just take our word for it, please read:  The Shed That Fed A Million Children and contact us for more information.

Saint John Houghton CVA help to feed large numbers of children in their place of education by supporting Mary’s Meals.

Saint John Houghton CVA have baked cakes, organised ‘Staff v Pupils’ football matches, with our Parish Priest as GK, Sponsored Silence, Car Washes and many more fun fundraising activates all with prayer and meetings with the Mary’s Meals Team based in Scotland.

It costs just £15.40 to feed a child for a year.

Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy were the very first school to become partners with Sharewear.

Sharewear was founded in March 2014 by a group of five Catholic women from the combined parishes of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Bulwell, and Infant Prague, Bestwood park. Today the team comprises of people who profess several different faiths or non and all want to clothe people with compassion.

Saint John Houghton CVA became involved because we are a Catholic Community who reach out and in the Year of Mercy decided to really work towards transforming lives through clothing support.

We have a staff and pupil Sharewear Team whose mission is to promote, collect and distribute clothing, shoes, and bedding to people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Saint John Houghton has also supported families in our local school community and Derbyshire.

SJH Bookclub have raised money by holding a Sponsored Silence from 8.45am until 3.00pm!  Our Choir have supported Charity Events and we have ‘Bring and Buy’ sales before every non-uniform day in school during our Fairtrade meetings.

We encourage all students to check our second hand uniform stall and to avoid purchasing fast fashion. Over the years we have realised we all buy too many clothes and the challenge is to stop shopping, stop spending and chose to recycle, reuse, and donate to save our planet and volunteer to spend our time wisely.

Sharewear Clothing Scheme
41-43 Mansfield Road

SJH staff and pupils donate good quality second hand clothing to Shareware.  We promote, ‘no need to buy new’ and we have a second hand school uniform swop in school.  We support our local community with special outfits for interviews and Year 11 Leavers Celebrations dresswear.

Year 9 are proud to support the Samaritans

Samaritans was founded in 1953 by Rev. Chad Varah a Church of England vicar. He had taken a funeral for a fourteen-year-old girl who had committed suicide.

Samaritans vision is that fewer people die by suicide.

To achieve this the Samaritans has a crucial role to play in:

  • Reducing the risk factors that make some people more likely to take their own lives.
  • Ensuring that people who are at increased risk of suicide are supported.
  • Making it less likely that people who do experience suicidal thoughts act on them.
  • Reducing the likelihood that people will develop suicidal thoughts.

We are proud to support the ‘Canaan Trust Charity’.

Since 1995, the Canaan Trust homeless charity has supported the homeless and those threatened with becoming homeless from our Local Communities.

Our aims are to:-

  • Support the charity through various fundraising
  • Collect dried food/tinned items as an offering

The year 11s are so excited to be fundraising for Leon’s Legacy this year! It’s a brilliant initiative that fundraise for defibrillators for schools and also offer CPR training at these schools too.

We chose the charity as it means a lot to Miss Turgoose, who has a personal story involving a 15 year old girl on a netball court who required a defibrillator and once she reached the hospital they said it had saved her life.

They have recently installed a defibrillator in Ilkeston, and Saint John Houghton are hoping to help them raise money for one down near our sports hall and also for more out in the community.

The year 11s are keen to have a ‘rematch’ of the football match from last year, but with a change of sport – both basketball and netball have been mentioned so let’s see what they get up to! Some of the girls are also keen to bring the bake sales back! We love a cake here at Saint John!

The Beauvale Society is a SJH School Charity.  Please support by praying for the Priests in our Diocese, the Beauvale Society Members and the pupils and staff in Catholic Education.  You are welcome to join in the fundraising, the coffee mornings and the Pilgrimage.