Thank you for taking the first step in joining our school community and for expressing an interest in joining us by looking at our website.
We believe it is the most precious thing, to take responsibility for a student’s education and we would be privileged (and delighted) if you would make the decision to join our school community.
The information set out in this page is there to help students and parents who are thinking about applying to Saint John Houghton CVA in the near future and to provide parents and students with as much information as possible to help them to make the decision that Saint John Houghton CVA is the right school for them.
Much of the information required is held in other parts of the website, but the information and links provided should help you/your child to feel more comfortable in making us your school of choice.
Save the date – Open Evening – Thursday 26 September 2024 – 3.30-7pm
In recent years, we have been fully subscribed and we have had waiting lists in each year group of the school. The reputation of the school is going from strength to strength and coupled with our recent ‘Good’ often judgement (March 2019), we are on a journey of continuous improvement. There has never been a more exciting time to join our school community!
We are constantly refining our pastoral support for each and every child, which has always been one of the greatest strengths of our school and the progress made by our students is above the national average in many subjects, including Religious Education, English and Maths. In the Science, Geography and Business Studies, students regularly achieve grades significantly higher than national averages.
If you live in Derbyshire, click HERE to be directed to the Derbyshire applications page.
If you live in the City of Derby, click HERE to be directed to the City of Derby applications page.
If you live in Nottinghamshire, click HERE to be directed to the Nottinghamshire applications page.
If you live in the City of Nottingham, click HERE to be directed to the City of Nottingham applications page.
In addition to the local authority application being made, parents who are applying for a place at our school on faith grounds, are also asked to complete a supplementary form. Parents are requested to read the guidance below and complete the supplementary form.
Once completed, forms and any supplementary evidence can be posted to us in school. We are also accepting photographs of completed forms and evidence. All supplementary forms and evidence should be emailed to
Both can be found on our admissions page
Other Key Information and Links
To access information about school uniform, CLICK HERE
To access information about term dates and school holidays, CLICK HERE
To access information about school buses, CLICK HERE
To access information about Go 4 Schools, our online homework tool, CLICK HERE
To access information about School Gateway, our online payment system, CLICK HERE
To access information about our PTA (Parent and Teacher Association), CLICK HERE