All uniform should be worn correctly. Shirts tucked in, skirts at full length
- School Blazer: Maroon for Years 7-11
- Plain white shirt (No turned up sleeves)
- Plain white polo shirt with optional school logo may be worn (Term 5 & 6 only)
- Clip on school tie
- Black V-neck jumper may be worn
- Black trousers of a smart tailored fit (No jeans/leggings/skinny fit or cropped trousers to be worn)
- Black dropped waist pleated skirt to be worn at their appropriate length (No belts to be worn)
- Plain black socks or opaque tights. (No white socks)
- Black leather flat heeled shoes (No sports motifs or logos. Boots/sandals not to be worn. No air bubbles in the sole. If the correct footwear is not worn an alternative may be provided)
- Outdoor coat. No denim or leather jackets. Hoodies, tracksuit tops or tech fleeces are not allowed.
If you are in any doubt about uniform, please contact school before purchasing
- Plain red polo shirt with optional school logo or optional sports top with or without logo
- School PE hoodie or plain red jumper
- Plain black loose fitting shorts (small logo is permitted), cycling shorts are not permitted
- Red or black football socks or white sports socks
- Indoor trainers
- Suitable outdoor trainers during winter/cross country
- Football boots
- Plain black leggings or tracksuit bottoms (small logos are allowed but no stripes)
- Mouth guards are optional for contact sports
- One close fitting ring only to be worn on hand
- One watch
- No upper ear or facial piercings to be worn. No nose studs are allowed (including clear nose studs).
- One pair of close fitting plain stud earrings in the lobe of the ear
- Bracelets and necklaces are not to permitted to be worn
Make Up
- Light foundation and mascara are allowed
- No eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick or lip gloss allowed
- Eyebrows should be of natural shape and colour
- No false eyelashes
- No nail polish
- No gel nails
- No acrylic or false nails
- Natural nails only
- Students hair should be no shorter than a number 2
- Shaved sections are not allowed
- Hair colour must be natural with natural looking highlights allowed
- No tramlines or patterns cut into the hair are allowed
- Only a plain headband or bobble should be worn
- Hair fashion such as flowers/bright and bold hair clips are not allowed
- Long hair must be tied back for PE and practical subjects
- No shaved eyebrows
Uniform Suppliers
All uniform and kit can be purchased from the following suppliers:
Any breach of the uniform or appearance policy will be dealt with according to the school policy. Parents will be contacted when deemed necessary. This may include a C1, an After School Detention or time in reflection accordingly.
If any student is unable to attend the school due to a uniform or appearance issue, parents must contact school to inform them. If the correct footwear is not worn an alternative may be provided. In this instance, students will be given required time to adhere to the policy. This will be given on a case by case basis by the Assistant Headteacher.