Careers Education

Careers education prepares you for the world after school.

We provide information, guidance and help with making decisions about the future to all students.

This includes:

  • Options for study up to age 16, (GCSEs, vocational courses etc.)
  • Post-16 options including employment, training, sixth form and college study and entry to a range of jobs and careers.

Careers education is delivered during registration time, through PSHE lessons and through special events and activities.

Our aim is to develop students who are:

  • Aspirational and understand how to maximise learning opportunities to access appropriate and sustained progression routes
  • Inquisitive about a wide range of jobs/careers in order to stimulate and support their own career investigations
  • Demonstrate the employability skills and resilience to thrive in the ever-changing modern working world

In line with our core values, our aim is to provide an ambitious and progressive offer that supports our students to meet the changing needs/demands of the workplace.  Through the use of the 8 Gatsby Career benchmarks and the CDI framework we regularly review our provision, with the support of the local careers hub, to develop our programme of activities.

Staff are always available to support students and families with careers at any stage.

To view the whole-school Careers Programme, click the link below.