Student Resource Centre

Learning at home if required

Students who are ill

Covid infections are still in the local community and if a student does test positive for Covid 19 SRSCMAT policy is that they should isolate for three days at home. This will be recorded in registers as ‘ill’. We do not expect students who are unwell to complete schoolwork at home.

General Illness – Once an illness absence has been reported to school, we do not expect students who are unwell to complete work at home.

Exceptional Cases – if for some reason your child is absent from school due to a medical issue but you feel they may be able to complete some school work  then please use the information in the Key Stage tabs in the “Supporting Your Child’s Learning at home” section and/or contact the subject lead or and work can be sent to the student, via their school email.

Supporting your child’s learning at home

We recognise that parents and carers want to support students with their school work and help them to make good academic progress. To enable this, we have identified some useful tasks, websites and information on the following pages. These are divided into Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11).